Music video for the song 'Welcome Back' by Hong Kong rapper DozyBoy.
'We are very excited to be working with David C Mahler to shoot the ‘Welcome Back’ MV.
David is an independent Australian filmmaker with ties to production company Hong Kong Local - this is their first proper collaboration after years of discussion.
The video was filmed around Causeway Bay, David’s base in Hong Kong and HKL’s regular haunt. Cinematographer Allen Leung and David collaborated on the visuals, capturing the neon-lit streets with a number of cameras including the iPhone XR and Canon EOS M5.
The story takes inspiration from classic gangster movies and tropes, presenting a story of police corruption and capitalism trickling down from the top of the ladder to the bottom of society. The political message was conceived by DozyBoy who has taken a stand as an activist in the past, particularly as part of the Umbrella Movement.
DozyBoy’s track launches with a solid, break-beat drum line complimented by a bass-heavy melody in an old school style. Crunchy notes create the perfect soundtrack for strutting the streets with swagger. The lyrics, in Cantonese, have a strong local flavour, influenced by US gangster rap but painting a distinctly Hong Kong picture. Xabitat's Kemikal Kris worked on the track’s post-production.'
我們這次十分有幸邀請來自澳洲的David C Mahler一起合作拍攝Welcome Back MV
David C Mahler :
本身是電影製作人出身的 David在這次拍攝時運用了大量電影拍攝技巧,而拍攝地點則圍繞我們熟悉的銅鑼灣,將熱鬧的銅鑼灣另一面呈現給觀眾。
Allen Leung :
來自滑板界的Allen 負責擔任第二鏡頭,與David 互相配合,沿途拍攝一路合作無間!l
DozyBoy :
土生土長的Dozy在創作音樂方面,鼓聲採用 break beat ,加上旋律營造舊派的氣氛,歌詞本土味道濃烈,幫派説唱風格,有幸得到Xabitat 的Kemikal Kris 幫手音樂後期製作。
Hong Kong Local 香港陀地與 Studio Rin 一起合作創作故事,故事性方式去呈現香港環境,歌詞內容描述香港現實主義,利益關係加入幫派風格表達,故事劇情原創!
最後多謝 Vito Kung , Daniel Chok, Jerry Yip, Allen Leung, DCM, DozyBoy演出!
Director : David C Mahler
Camera : Allen Leung
Music : DozyBoy
Music mastered : Kemikal kris @Xabitat
Crew manage : Jerry Yip
Hong Kong Local
香港陀地 Hong Kong Local
[email protected]
Instagram : @hongkonglocal
[email protected]
Instagram : @dozyboy
Special thanks
Ryan Ng (@ryan_n.g), Vito Kung (@iam_wing_to_kung), Daniel Chok (@crazych0k), @kemikalkris
Shot on the iPhone XR
Copyright Hong Kong Local, Studio Rin 2019
'We are very excited to be working with David C Mahler to shoot the ‘Welcome Back’ MV.
David is an independent Australian filmmaker with ties to production company Hong Kong Local - this is their first proper collaboration after years of discussion.
The video was filmed around Causeway Bay, David’s base in Hong Kong and HKL’s regular haunt. Cinematographer Allen Leung and David collaborated on the visuals, capturing the neon-lit streets with a number of cameras including the iPhone XR and Canon EOS M5.
The story takes inspiration from classic gangster movies and tropes, presenting a story of police corruption and capitalism trickling down from the top of the ladder to the bottom of society. The political message was conceived by DozyBoy who has taken a stand as an activist in the past, particularly as part of the Umbrella Movement.
DozyBoy’s track launches with a solid, break-beat drum line complimented by a bass-heavy melody in an old school style. Crunchy notes create the perfect soundtrack for strutting the streets with swagger. The lyrics, in Cantonese, have a strong local flavour, influenced by US gangster rap but painting a distinctly Hong Kong picture. Xabitat's Kemikal Kris worked on the track’s post-production.'
我們這次十分有幸邀請來自澳洲的David C Mahler一起合作拍攝Welcome Back MV
David C Mahler :
本身是電影製作人出身的 David在這次拍攝時運用了大量電影拍攝技巧,而拍攝地點則圍繞我們熟悉的銅鑼灣,將熱鬧的銅鑼灣另一面呈現給觀眾。
Allen Leung :
來自滑板界的Allen 負責擔任第二鏡頭,與David 互相配合,沿途拍攝一路合作無間!l
DozyBoy :
土生土長的Dozy在創作音樂方面,鼓聲採用 break beat ,加上旋律營造舊派的氣氛,歌詞本土味道濃烈,幫派説唱風格,有幸得到Xabitat 的Kemikal Kris 幫手音樂後期製作。
Hong Kong Local 香港陀地與 Studio Rin 一起合作創作故事,故事性方式去呈現香港環境,歌詞內容描述香港現實主義,利益關係加入幫派風格表達,故事劇情原創!
最後多謝 Vito Kung , Daniel Chok, Jerry Yip, Allen Leung, DCM, DozyBoy演出!
Director : David C Mahler
Camera : Allen Leung
Music : DozyBoy
Music mastered : Kemikal kris @Xabitat
Crew manage : Jerry Yip
Hong Kong Local
香港陀地 Hong Kong Local
[email protected]
Instagram : @hongkonglocal
[email protected]
Instagram : @dozyboy
Special thanks
Ryan Ng (@ryan_n.g), Vito Kung (@iam_wing_to_kung), Daniel Chok (@crazych0k), @kemikalkris
Shot on the iPhone XR
Copyright Hong Kong Local, Studio Rin 2019
Behind the Scenes photos by Allen Leung